So my latest project involves elements of design, or more specifically texture. I had to gather 10 images from non-apparel/fashion things such as nature or other objects. Then, I took these images and related them to textures used in clothing. This was a lot harder than I expected because the textures that I found in nature were difficult to relate to articles of clothing. I also wanted to use a theme, so I decided to relate all of my images to dresses.

The first pairing that I have includes a picture of tree bark and a dress that I found that has a very similar style and look to it. The picture with the dress can be found at (, and the image of the tree bark is from
The next pairing that I have features the tentacles of a jellyfish(which I think looks very beautiful) and the same textural design on the skirting of a gown. The jellyfish picture is from (http://laurenm.blogs/.04/nemo-ride-jelly-fish.jpg) and the dress picture is from ( Both of these images can be seen below.

The fourth group that I chose relates the texture of feathers to that of a dress. This one was interesting because I just so happened to find to similar images that both involved white feathered texture. The feather picture is from (, and the dress image is from ( 
For the fifth set of images, I compared grass to a dress that I thought looked very cute. This sounds like an odd comparison, but the textures of both these images are so close that I couldn't resist. The dress image is from (, and the grass image is from (
The sixth pairing that I have relates the texture of wood grain to the m
oire pattern on a tiny dress. The wood grain picture was taken from (, and the moire dress picture was used from ( 
For my seventh grouping, I decided to compare and relate the textual qualities of smooth flat rocks/pebbles to that of a leather dress. These images look very similar and I decided that they basically share the same texture. The pebbles image comes from (, and the dress image comes from (
For my eighth pairing, I chose to use images that exemplified the texture of plastic 6 pack rings and a dress that had the same texture. These images relate so well to each other it is awesome! The 6 pack ring image is from (, and the dress picture is from (

y ninth grouping involves a picture of the sand and a glittery dress that both share the same textural appearances. The sand picture is from ( and the dress picture comes from (
-Also, for the glittery dress image on the right, please ignore all of the accessories and look only at the dress.
For the tenth and final textural relations, I used images of crystals and related them to this very crazy dress I found. The dress is very unique, and it has exactly the same texture and structure as crystals do. The dress image is from (, while the crystal picture is from (