Monday, October 26, 2009

Elements of Design- TEXTURE

So my latest project involves elements of design, or more specifically texture. I had to gather 10 images from non-apparel/fashion things such as nature or other objects. Then, I took these images and related them to textures used in clothing. This was a lot harder than I expected because the textures that I found in nature were difficult to relate to articles of clothing. I also wanted to use a theme, so I decided to relate all of my images to dresses.

The first pairing that I have includes a picture of tree bark and a dress that I found that has a very similar style and look to it. The picture with the dress can be found at (, and the image of the tree bark is from

The next pairing that I have features the tentacles of a jellyfish(which I think looks very beautiful) and the same textural design on the skirting of a gown. The jellyfish picture is from (http://laurenm.blogs/.04/nemo-ride-jelly-fish.jpg) and the dress picture is from ( Both of these images can be seen below.

The third textural pairing that I chose to do includes an image of crumpled up paper and a dress that I absolutely love, which embodies the same texture. The paper picture was taken from (, and the image of the dress is from (

The fourth group that I chose relates the texture of feathers to that of a dress. This one was interesting because I just so happened to find to similar images that both involved white feathered texture. The feather picture is from (, and the dress image is from (

For the fifth set of images, I compared grass to a dress that I thought looked very cute. This sounds like an odd comparison, but the textures of both these images are so close that I couldn't resist. The dress image is from (, and the grass image is from (

The sixth pairing that I have relates the texture of wood grain to the moire pattern on a tiny dress. The wood grain picture was taken from (, and the moire dress picture was used from (

For my seventh grouping, I decided to compare and relate the textual qualities of smooth flat rocks/pebbles to that of a leather dress. These images look very similar and I decided that they basically share the same texture. The pebbles image comes from (, and the dress image comes from (

For my eighth pairing, I chose to use images that exemplified the texture of plastic 6 pack rings and a dress that had the same texture. These images relate so well to each other it is awesome! The 6 pack ring image is from (, and the dress picture is from (

My ninth grouping involves a picture of the sand and a glittery dress that both share the same textural appearances. The sand picture is from ( and the dress picture comes from (

-Also, for the glittery dress image on the right, please ignore all of the accessories and look only at the dress.

For the tenth and final textural relations, I used images of crystals and related them to this very crazy dress I found. The dress is very unique, and it has exactly the same texture and structure as crystals do. The dress image is from (, while the crystal picture is from (

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

grocery store location analysis

I recently visited my local grocery store when I was back home for break, and noticed a few things about the location of the store and what it had to do with/for their business. The building was a Farm Fresh, and is about 2 miles from my house. I don't usually shop at this grocery store, but I needed to go quickly pick up some things and so this was the only logical option.
This grocery store is a stand-alone building and it has it's own parking lot, which is great for busy shoppers. If you need to just park and run in for some items, then the parking lot is ideal. You can just park right outside and then go get your groceries without having the hassle of searching for a parking spot. Also, it is centrally located in the area of town that I live in, and so it is very convenient to many costumers. There is not a lot of pedestrian traffic, which is great for the consumer since they do not have to watch out for other shoppers when they are driving their cars. There are also sidewalks and walkways available to people who are shopping with their grocery carts and baggage, which provides a suitable and safe place for the pedestrians.
I think that this grocery store has an ideal location, and i would definitely shop there again. I really cannot think of any disadvantage to the location, which is great for their business. It is nearby many neighborhoods, which is necessary for the people to want to come visit the store since it is convenient. Also, due to the vast nature of the parking lot and the orderly layout, shopping traffic is kept neat and under control, which leads to a happy shopping experience.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

why retailers are going bankrupt

(Image from

Right now, many people are observing stores being shut down and having "going out of business" sales. I know, that back in my hometown in VA a few months ago, I saw a Linens n' Things store closing and having a huge sale before they went away. I am sure that you have seen other stores file for bankruptcy recently, such as Claire's, Sharper Image Inc, Mervyns, and Steve & Barry's to name a few.

I came across a website discussing such retailers going out of business, the being:
One thing that caught my attention in this article, was that it stated that "consumer spending, an early barometer of the economy, is down as shoppers cut discretionary spending amid fears of economic woes". It also talks about reason why these places probably went out of business.

If the retailer does not have something to differentiate itself from it's competitors then how can it succeed and triumph over competition? One reason that Linens n' Things might have gone bankrupt could be due to the fact that its prices were higher than its competition, yet the products were very similar. Perhaps if the store had offered something innovative and unique it would have drawn more consumers, yet it did not and so had closed its doors forever.

Another article that I found informative is This website talks about all the different places filing for bankruptcy and actually talks about why so many of them have to close. One thing caught my attention, and it states: "Other retailers are saying they will trim inventory and reduce the number of suppliers. That, in turn, will cause a ripple effect, prompting a number of weaker manufacturers, small brands and underfunded fashion labels to fail."

This is very true, and it makes sense that once reduce their suppliers, the suppliers that get cut off will likely fail due to the fact that they are no longer necessary. The article also discusses that consumers are saving more as a result of the increased poor economy, and surely are spending less on new clothes.

Friday, February 13, 2009


I recently took a VALS survey, and the results actually surprised me. My reults claimed that I am an innovator who tends to also be somewhat of an experiencer. According to the website, innovators like to take charge and are typically successful and sophisticated. Image is also important, but not because of status...more for the fact that we like to express our taste and personality. I think that this is very true, especially the part concerning image. I do like self-expression and I take image seriously, afterall many people base their judegments of others on first impressions. (the image to the right, and all of the mentioned VALS information, was taken from the website,

I think that this information is very useful for both consumers and companies alike. They can use VALS to target different pychological groups and make business more profitable and efficient. I think that in terms of correctness, the information given is very true. Wheh I took the survey and reviewed my results, although I was a little shocked by what it had to say, I realized that my VALS type was very much like me.

The target person that my group had the other day in class, was someone who shopped at Eddie Bauer. We said that this person would most likely be a middle-aged man or female who likes the outdoors and has a middle-class job and salary. This person, whom I like to call Jebb, would probably take weekend trips camping or going to the lake, has a golden retriever, and a small family. In terms of VALS, I think that Jebb would not be an innovator or an experiencer. He would most likely be a thinker, because thinkers are people that like to look for durability and funtionality in their products. These practical buyers would shop at places like Eddie Bauer because their products are exactly that: durable and practical.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Forever 21

As many people know, Forever 21 is my favorite retailer and I frequent their stores about once a week. What many people don't know, is the information and background involved in Forever 21's success.

Forever 21 was started by Do Won (Don), who is the CEO, and his wife. The first store was opened on April 21, 1984 in Los Angeles, CA. It was originally opened under the name of "Fashion 21", and later changed to Forever 21 after many other stores were created ( By the end of the first year that Fashion/Forever 21 stores were opened, the sales has risen from $35,000 to $700,000. Now, the revenue from the year 2007 is much higher, at approx. $1,300 million! (

In 2005, there were about 355 stores opened nationwide under the names of Forever 21, Forever XXl, and For Love 21 ( The number of stores is constantly increasing, as the demand for their cheap and chic clothing also increases. Their main competition is the other stores designed for teenagers and young women, often found in malls. Some of these include Charlotte Russe, Wet Seal, and H&M. (

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Favorite Retailer <3

Although their are many retailers that I love to shop at, my favorite one is Forever 21. A picture of this store can be seen on the right, and was taken from <
/2006/06/04/separation-of-church-and-tube-tops/>. There are so many reasons that this store is my favorite place to shop, but one of them is the convenience. Back home in Virginia Beach, and here in Greensboro, there are many malls close by that have Forever 21 stores in them. This makes shopping very easy for me since the malls are all close to where I live. There is also convenience in the merchandise, as well as the location. In one visit to this store I can acquire a new tank top, a pair of jeans, jewelry, a sweater, and even shoes if I wanted to. This makes shopping both fun and easy, which is something that makes me very happy!

Another reason that Forever 21 is my favorite retailer is the fact that all of their clothes are affordable, maybe even cheap, yet still manage to be extremely stylish. I love that if I see something that I like on the runway, I can go to Forever 21 and find a similar look for a lot less money. It might not look exactly the same, but often times I will end up liking the cheaper version a lot more than the designer one.

The last reason that I love Forever 21 so much is that everything is so cheap and inexpensive. Although the quality may not be as nice as that of more expensive stores, it doesn't bother me because I would rather own ten cheaper tops than have only five tops, even if they are of better quality. I hate wearing the same thing twice and so the idea of quantity over quality suits me at this time in my life.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How has the housing crisis affected home fashion retail?

So everyone knows that we are going through a recession right now, and the effects are obvious seen through the buying habits of Americans. They are buying less now since money is tighter, and so fashion companies have to be more innovative in order for consumers to buy their products. Home fashion is a good example of this, and there are so many aspects in this department. From furniture to home accessories, there are endless possibilities of choices for things to decorate and furnish your home.

Since Americans have less money to spend on everything now days, consumers are buying cheaper pieces of furniture and in lesser quantities. Home accessories are becoming more popular for the average buyer since they are smaller and more affordable. Everything from vases to mirrors, and rugs to picture frames are available for consumers to purchase. The accessories are fun and are easy to use in order to change the look and feel of a room.

The colors are playful and change with the seasons and trends. Even if someone is tight on money, they can afford to buy something small for their home. The image on the right, taken from, is a good example of the way home accessories are used in everyday life.